About us

I am Jacob Avila Camacho founder of JacobSoft and Ihualia Software, site and technology company. The idea of JacobSoft is to share knowledge and resources of the main academic subjects for computing and computer systems, artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT) and so on.

In addition to collaborating as a research professor at the Technological Institute of Higher Education in Ecatepec, I am dedicated to technology consulting and software development and I am in charge of technology for digital marketing in Ihualia Software where I am a founding partner. I am also a diverse instructor courses related to technology.

In what is teaching and research I teach programming subjects in different languages ​​(Java, C, C #, php, javascript, python, etc.), database fundamentals, database design and in postgraduate I teach the subject of data mining where we use machine learning techniques. At the same time I develop research projects with which I have published articles in refereed, indexed national and international journals and JCR.

You can also find me at Research Gate where I share the published articles and research reports.

My ORCID is:

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